So, how can you help refugees?

As we look at the news every day and see it flooded with stories of loss, hardship, and sadness, it can be easy to lose yourself to feeling down about it. However, there is a huge range of things anyone can do to help those seeking refuge and seeking asylum across the world from their own doorstep. 


The fight for refugee rights in the UK is far from over, and unfortunately cannot be solely fixed by donations from the generous few. Legislation in this country has been designed to systemically prevent refugees and migrants from making a home in the UK, and it must be counter-acted. Keeping up to date on protests and any demonstrations happening in your area, and joining in to make your voice heard can help bring attention to issues that refugees face. 

There are a number of resources to help you find local groups supporting the cause in your city, such as:

    • The Anti-Raids Network – A network of local groups who tackle immigration raids across the capital

    • Migrants Rights Network – A charity that works with mirgants and refugees to help them seek justice

    • Watch The Channel – A group who monitor the English & French border control teams to ensure that they help people in distress

If you’re still at a loss at how you can campaign to help refugees, it can also be as simple as sharing information on social media by sharing posts from refugee-focused charities, like Give Your Best!


Donations don’t just have to be financial. Warm clothes, tinned food and basic necessities can be dropped off at donation points across the country, and a little can always go a long way! There are so many different charities that help distribute items where needed across the world. 

Distribute Aid, for example, do mass lorry load shipments to refugees in Italy, Calais, Bosnia, Lebanon and so many more. In fact, last year the organisation donated aid that was valued at $2 million. 

Care4Calais also do amazing work for refugees across the world. The organisation has a handy drop-off map available on their website, so you can find out exactly where to take your donations that will make a difference. Care4Calais take your donations not only to Calais, but directly to refugees in hotels and accommodation across Britain.

Give while you shop

Our whole lives being moved online can be annoying and confusing. However, it does mean that you can give to charities that help refugees without lifting a finger!

Ordering a last-minute purchase from Amazon? Well, if you sign in through Amazon Smile, then Amazon will donate to a charity of your choice for every purchase you make. Simply sign in and select any refugee charity such as Refugee Council as your chosen charity, and for every purchase you make Amazon will donate a percentage of the net price. 

It isn’t just your last-minute gift buying that could help refugees, but your weekly food shop too! Give As You Live are an organisation similar to Amazon Smile, as they will donate a percentage of your online shopping at Sainsbury’s, eBay and more will go towards the charity. You can even login and see how many donations you have made to the charity over time! 

From your streets, just down the road or your very own sofa – everyone can help refugees across the world. 


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Inspiring Women: A Conversation with Sol, Founder of Give Your Best