Tackling clothing poverty and

fashion waste.

Donate your clothes through the Give Your Best online platform so people living in clothing poverty can shop for free, with the agency and dignity they deserve.

Give Your Best: Repair NOW LIVE!


People supported


Items donated and shopped





Who we are

Give Your Best is an award-winning social enterprise offering the first online platform to donate clothes, where communities living in clothing poverty can shop for free (like a Vinted for donations!). We’re also home to the first pay-it-forward clothing store, where every purchase directly funds free shopping within that same store, a truly inclusive retail experience.

We partner with brands and retailers to reduce clothing waste and enhance circularity within the fashion industry, through impactful redistribution.

Give Your Best: Platform

A first-of-its-kind online platform where you can donate your pre-loved clothes, shoes, accessories, children and baby wear, toys, etc., so they can be shopped for free by people in the UK who are refugees, seeking asylum, victims of trafficking, escaping domestic violence, with no recourse to public funds, or struggling with clothing poverty.

Give Your Best: Shop

The first pay-it-forward clothing shop, the start of a revolutionary way of shopping. In this unique physical shop, every item purchased by the general public funds for someone experiencing clothing poverty to shop for free, in the same shop.

Thrift your favourite pieces at low prices, and Gift access to clothing to those who need it most.

Partner with us

Partners’ support enables us to keep our crucial work going, ensuring that clothing reaches those who need it most, whilst working towards closing the clothing circularity gap.

Join us in amplifying our mission and let’s achieve more impact together - we’re grateful for your support!

Volunteer with us

Are you looking for a fulfilling volunteering opportunity, where you’ll have an impact on both people and the planet? Take a look at the positions we are currently looking to fill!

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